Hello, Yakitory world!

This is a Streaming server. A media server refers either to a dedicated computer appliance or to a specialized application software, ranging from an enterprise class machine providing video on demand, to, more commonly, a small personal computer for the SMB, dedicated for storing various digital media (meaning digital videos/movies, audio/music, and picture files).

The page you are looking at was generated by Yakitory framework, and the template is located at home.


Check the configuration file at config/settings.yml. The keys under each environment can be accessed with the global monk_settings function, and you will also find an example in the default route.

API is connected to http(s)://your-yakitory-server.edu.tw/api/clients/:id/videos. If you want to change it, make sure to edit config/settings.yml and config/*.yml


Getting information about all videos, by web service URL: http(s)://your-yakitory-server.edu.tw/api/clients/:id/videos Arguments: access_key - the clients given access_key, required for authentication.